2016 Godzilla Day

2016 Godzilla Day

2016 R32 Day At MIMC Reading 2016 Godzilla Day 1 minute Next M7 Sepang Trackday
Over 40 Skylines and GTRs made their way to Melaka International Motorsports Circuit from all over the country to celebrate the significant 3-4 date which is widely known as Godzilla Day! Conglomerating the range of R32, R33, R34 and R35 from the Godzilla line-up, the event held 4 modes of competition in the day - Time Attack, Drift, Drag and Show 'N' Shine. Enjoy our pictorial coverage of the event here, as we document these Godzilla in action, tested to the limits like never before on our shores. An epic event organised by Malaysian Skyline Owners Group. May this event be a tradition for the circle for years to come! Feel free to tag anyone you know in this album! #noequal #BuildSomethingLikeNoOther #GodzillaDay2016 #skyline #GTR Full Gallery : 2016 Godzilla Day