First Impressions
The Corolla appeals to those who have grown up but are still young at heart. What I mean is, it’s the type of car that is suitable for married couples with one or two kids at most but still haven’t given up the fun things of life. Great looks, practical and relatively cheap on fuel. A combo that everybody wants, to be fair. And it’s still a Toyota, so most likely, it will start up every single time you press the start button. The car market is generally flooded with new and used cars that cater to every wants and needs. However, if you are looking for an upgrade from your first car that can compromise between a daily driver as well as a family car, generally your options are within the 100-200k price point. You could go for depreciated German saloons or most of the time, people would just buy a Honda Civic. But there’s a lot in the Corolla that is to be desired.

Driving The Corolla GZ Sports
My first impression after getting into the Corolla was how plush the interior felt. The interior feels much more premium compared to it’s Honda counterpart. And now that Toyota updated the instrument cluster for this model year, the instrument cluster seems much more modern as compared to its predecessor which did not receive the center display. It’s great that Toyota added a pinch of Lexus here and there into the mix making the interior a little bit better in general. And let’s get to the gearbox, shall we? This particular car came with a 6-speed manual gearbox but there are also variants offered with a CVT. Now, let me clear the air right here, I passionately hate a CVT gearbox. To me, a CVT gearbox is the equivalent of biting into a cardamom while enjoying your favourite dish. It kills the mood instantly. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, I was only able to test the 6-speed manual and wasn’t able to check out the CVT. But credits where it’s due, Toyota is by far the only company that can make the CVT bearable but yeah, I’d still fancy the 6-speed manual any day.

At RM160,000, the Corolla GZ Sport is not particularly a cheap car especially when directly compared to the Altis. However, you can’t really find any other Japanese manual hatchbacks that can fly under the radar albeit still interesting, especially to car enthusiasts. In my opinion, a car that can look as good as this with the build quality and reliability of a Toyota, is a solid plus for me. While some people may still have that mindset of recond cars are not that good and some are uncomfortable with not understanding all the Japanese words on the screen means, you’ll end up getting used to them anyway. Plus, First Mile Auto in Cheras (the guys who imported these in) are pretty much the only ones who have these available. Not to mention that there’s also a Touring version that was actually a former Blitz demo car.